Q&A with Noura

Hi guys! It's Ana and welcome to my blog. 

Today's post is the start of a new series called Q&A. In this new series I'm working with book bloggers, bookstagramers and booktubers to know more about their love for books.

The first book lover is a book blogger and her name is Noura. She is one of my favorite book bloggers and an amazing friend! - The Perks of Being Noura

Before I share the questions and answers I want to share some links where you can help changing the world: 

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1.  What made you create a book blog?

I needed an outlet because of my love for books. I didn’t really know many people who read books and I often felt like my excitement over them was bottled up. I really wanted to talk about them with other readers. I also really loved writing so blogging seemed perfect for me. I was intimidated at first but then decided to give blogging a try!

2. What is your favorite post to write?

I really love making lists and as of this year making reading blogs! I often suffer trying to come up with list ideas but eventually it works out. Reading blogs came along because I love reading vlogs and wanted to make something similar in reading format.

3. What are the best and worst parts of book blogging?

The best is probably the ability to share favorite reads with other readers! I just love writing reviews and I get so excited when someone says they’ll pick up the book because of me. The feeling is always amazing!

The worst could be that I feel like I always need to be creating more content. It can be pressuring at times.

4. Who are your favorite book bloggers?

Oh I have so many! The ones I can remember off the top of my head are Rain @ Book Dragonism, Mieke @ The Little Mouse That Reads, Krisha @ Bookathon, Ruby Rae @ Ruby Rae Reads, and Rameela @ Star is All Booked Up.

5. What is the best recommendation given by a book blogger?

There have been so many but a recent one was Mirage by Somaiya Daud. I had it on my tbr for a while but I was pushed to read it thanks to some book bloggers!

6. What are your blogging plans for the future?

I don’t have any definite plans but I’d love to have more author interviews! I love talking to them about their books and introducing the readers who follow my blog to them. Always discovering amazing authors and new books.

7. What book do you think is overhyped? What book you think that doesn't have enough hype?

I mean I guess Paper Towns? I remember so many people talking about that book. I didn’t see the appeal and honestly really hated the book.

When it comes to underhyped books there are so many! Especially by authors of color. One that I wish more people would read is The Wolf of Oren-Yaro by K.S. Villoso. It’s a dark adult fantasy that I really enjoyed this year.

8. If you could switch places with a character. What character would you choose?

If I could avoid the near death experiences maybe Tessa from The Infernal Devices. She was a favorite of mine when I was a teen and still is.

9. If you could choose an author to be your writing partner. Who would you choose?

Oh this is hard! I enjoy writing but I don’t think I’d be good enough compared to my favorites. I would pick Roshani Chokshi though! I love her writing so so much and to work with her would be amazing.

10. Who is your favorite author/s?

I’ve had a few over the years but some are Roshani Chokshi, S.A. Chakraborty, S.K. Ali, Cassandra Clare, Sarah J. Maas and Justin Reynolds.

11. Are you a writer, a reader or both?

I like to think I’m both but if I’m honest I haven’t written in a while. I always have characters and scenarios in my head but I haven’t committed to writing them just yet.

12. What is your favorite genre? What books you recommend of that genre?

Fantasy has always been my favorite. The ones I recommend the most are The Daevabad Trilogy, We Hunt the Flame, A Song of Wraiths and Ruin, and The Gilded Wolves.

13. What is your most anticipated release for the rest of the year?

I’m super excited for These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong and Legendborn by Tracy Deonn. There two mostly but I’m sure there are more.

14. What book made you fall in love with reading?

I read when I was little but I stopped for some time. So when I got back into reading it was all thanks to The Hunger Games and The Mortal Instruments/The Infernal Devices.

15. What is your favorite book, movie, tv show and song?

Book: The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty.

Movie: Birds of Prey.

Tv Show: Friends.

Song: Someone you love by Lewis Capaldi.

16. Do you think that international book bloggers don't have the same opportunities?

I believe international book bloggers are at a disadvantage. There are a lot of things that aren’t accessible to us whether it’s getting arcs or even as simple as book stores and libraries. There are so many amazing international book bloggers out there who work really hard with what they have. I believe international bloggers need a lot more recognition than what they’re given and sho uld have the same chances as US/UK based book bloggers.

I want to thank Noura for participating in this post and don't forget to visit her blogger!

Leave in the comments if you have a book blogger, bookstagramers and booktuber that you want to see in this series! 

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